Squawk Box

A monthly subscription box for your feathered friend.

01: Who They Are

Squawk Box delivers a curated collection of themed toys and treats for bird owners. Squawk Box came to us with a really solid unique value proposition and a passionate customer base, but really needed help optimizing their website and growing their subscriber count with digital marketing.

02: Our Approach

We started by conducting an audit of Squawk Box’s business with our proven Results Action Plan process, which included gaining a thorough understanding of their business, reviewing every part of their website, email marketing and Facebook advertising. Some bottlenecks they were running into included:

Once we identified these bottlenecks, we got to work building a new highly converting website, setting up their Facebook ads with compelling copy and creative and optimizing ads for conversion, and getting a solid email marketing foundation in place.

03: The Results

In just 3 short months, we have been able to DOUBLE the website conversion rate, grow the subscriber count by 25%, and increase revenue by 35%.

"I am forever grateful for Harbor. I constantly tell people about all that you have done for our business."

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