Delivering authentic celebrity autographs and fan experiences directly to your door, connecting you with your favorite stars and exclusive memorabilia.

Harbor Marketing Agency
5 min read


The BAM! Box had been in business for about five years and had built up a loyal subscriber base; however, they were struggling to scale and achieve the growth goals that they were looking for. They knew that there was potential to grow with Facebook & Instagram Ads, but they weren’t sure how to properly launch and scale their campaigns.


We started by conducting a thorough audit of BAM! Box’s Facebook™ Ad Account, website and business, which enabled us to pinpoint some areas for improvement in their campaign.

Some bottlenecks they were running into included:

  • Incorrect Campaign Objectives in their Ad Account
  • Low Click-Through Rates
  • High Add To Cart Drop-off Rates
  • In Need of Fresh Ad Creative

Once these bottlenecks were identified, we got to work. After reviewing BAM! Box’s historical account data, it became clear that fresh ad creative was essential to keeping Customer Acquisition Costs low. Their audience wanted to know exactly what they would be receiving in next month’s box. Evergreen ad creative just wasn’t going to cut it in this account. Knowing this, we devised a strategy and a system to continuously launch new ad creative that highlighted the products and collectible items that would be in the next box.

We also revised their campaign objectives to ensure that they were utilizing Conversion Campaigns and optimizing for purchases.

Finally, we expanded their retargeting stacks to ensure they were tapping into as many warm audiences as possible.


As we began to identify our winning ad creative, we slowly scaled up our campaigns to ensure we kept our acquisition costs within the acceptable threshold. Our system of consistently providing new ad creative to the account in order to avoid ad fatigue proved be a successful strategy to achieve scale.

"We knew from the very beginning that Harbor Marketing Agency was the agency that we needed to go with. Even from the onboarding call it was clear that they had insights that we did not know about. Suddenly, all of the goals that we've had are starting to come into focus and we're starting to reach them and even go beyond them."

Adam, Founder of The BAM! Box

Harbor Marketing Agency
Serving eCommerce & Subscription Brands

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