A monthly subscription box for your feathered friend, providing toys, treats, and accessories tailored to keep your bird happy and healthy.

Harbor Marketing Agency
5 min read


We started by conducting an audit of Squawk Box’s business with our proven Results Action Plan process, which included gaining a thorough understanding of their business, reviewing every part of their website, email marketing and Facebook advertising. Some bottlenecks they were running into included:

  • A website that wasn’t optimized to get people to convert
  • A Facebook ad account that had spent over $3K without getting any purchases
  • Email marketing that didn’t include any automated flows to keep potential customers engaged and get them converted to subscribers

We used this information to develop a customized strategy tailored to their specific needs.


Once we identified these bottlenecks, we got to work building a new highly converting website, setting up their Facebook ads with compelling copy and creative and optimizing ads for conversion, and getting a solid email marketing foundation in place.


In the time we've been working with Squawk Box, we've been able to help them more than double monthly revenue.

Harbor Marketing Agency
Serving eCommerce & Subscription Brands

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