A Maryland-based rum distillery focused on creating a renaissance of flavor built on tradition, agriculture, ingenuity, and a drive for excellence

Harbor Marketing Agency
5 min read


Lost Ark Distillery is a rum distillery based out of Columbia, Maryland. They offer tour bookings, tasting room visits, live events such as trivia nights, live music, and drag brunches, and also have a heavy focus on distribution orders.


Lost Ark Distillery had seen some solid success, but were looking for a way to increase tour and tasting room sales. We put together a Facebook & Instagram advertising strategy that showcased the unique selling points of their distillery and the great rum they produce. Our ads drove traffic directly to the website to get customers to book tours. On top of this, we focused on showcasing different events happening at the distillery.


Lost Ark has seen over 40% growth year over year. Their tour slots are constantly filled, their cocktail and bottle sales have increased, and they have even had to hire more staff members to keep up with demand.

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