A high-end woodworking brand specializing in custom furniture for homes and businesses, blending craftsmanship with unique, personalized designs.

Harbor Marketing Agency
5 min read


AR Woodworking approached us with a need for an evergreen Facebook & Instagram ads strategy, as well as a streamlined sales system to nurture and convert leads into customers using email marketing.


We started by conducting an audit of AR Woodworking's Facebook Ad Account. We found that the copy and creative had potential for improvement, they were using the wrong campaign objectives for their goals, and needed to test different imagery and video in their ad account. We were able to test new video and imagery, improve the campaign objectives, and make some tweaks to their funnel that significantly improved results.


In our time working with AR Woodworking, we have been able to reduce Cost Per Lead by 50%, scale ad spend 50%, and generate a 25% increase in monthly revenue.

"I am forever grateful for Harbor. I constantly tell people about all that you have done for our business."

Ryan, Founder of AR Woodworking

Harbor Marketing Agency
Serving eCommerce & Subscription Brands

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