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3 Types Of Ecommerce Traffic Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know

Every entrepreneur knows that standing out from the crowd and attracting customers to your site is essential in growing your business. But with all of the marketing tactics and piles of data you can dig through on the internet, it can be difficult to build a successful marketing strategy. Thankfully, this can be easier than it seems if you know where to start. Understanding the type of traffic coming into your site can help you segment your market, better serve your customers, and ultimately increase your revenue.
Written by
Steve Krakower
Published on
May 2, 2023

Every entrepreneur knows that standing out from the crowd and attracting customers to your site is essential in growing your business. But with all of the marketing tactics and piles of data you can dig through on the internet, it can be difficult to build a successful marketing strategy. Thankfully, this can be easier than it seems if you know where to start. Understanding the type of traffic coming into your site can help you segment your market, better serve your customers, and ultimately increase your revenue.

Controlled Traffic

Controlled traffic is any traffic that you have to pay for to control where it goes. This type of traffic is generally the most expensive to acquire because you have to utilize another platform, like Facebook, to run your ads. Although this can be inconvenient if you are just starting out and don't have a large budget to work with, acquiring controlled traffic is necessary if you want to push your audience further down the marketing funnel. All paid advertising generates controlled traffic because you do not own the traffic, but you can control where it goes. This method of advertising is great for:

  • Top of funnel marketing
  • Pay per click campaigns
  • Building your customer base

Earned Traffic

Earned traffic is the most difficult to scale. This is because it usually comes from your brand or business  being featured on other forms of advertising, like being a guest on a radio talk show. This is different from controlled traffic because you are not paying to be on the talk show. As you build your brand and online presence, you will begin to earn more opportunities to acquire this traffic. This method of advertising is best for:

  • Top and middle of funnel marketing
  • Raising brand awareness
  • Strengthening relationship with customers

Owned Traffic

Owned traffic will always be one of your business's most valuable assets because you control the traffic, can easily scale your marketing efforts, and it is less expensive than acquiring controlled traffic. This is because your brand can directly reach customers through email marketing, social media platforms, and subscription lists. This method of advertising is best served for:

  • Middle and bottom of funnel marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Maintaining relationship with customers

Bringing it all together

Ultimately, your main goal should be converting all controlled and earned traffic into owned traffic. This is what will generate the most revenue, and it is the most direct way to reach relevant customers. You can increase owned traffic retention by optimizing your website, keeping your social media platforms up to date, and regularly publishing blog content or tutorials.

For more on how you can optimize your website to promote conversions, click here to check out our previous post on how eCommerce brands can increase conversion rate.

Hungry For More?

Check out this video by Russel Brunson to learn more about the three types of eCommerce traffic.

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